Brand Reputation Marketing Online Success

Picture of team interlocking hands - Team Goals article

A culture needs to be created within your business so you can work collectively towards going from good to great.

As you focus on growing your business by ensuring that your online reputation is being maximized, do you have confidence that your team members understand how their performance impacts your success?

It’s important that your goals related to elevating your online reputation be shared with your broader group and be converted into team goals. To be successful, the people that you work with must understand why achieving your milestones is important, how they can contribute, and how reaching your now-shared goals will benefit them.

Why Management Goals Should Be Team Goals

A company’s brand reputation marketing online is formed in large part by what others share about their experiences with that business. And guests at hotels form their opinions in large part by how they are treated through that experience or the engagement they receive. Team members need to realize that individuals are brands and that they as a Housekeeper, Server, or Front Desk Agent are powerful. If their brand is not consistent on a daily basis, the brand of the business they represent is no longer consistent and can very quickly become subject to challenges as it relates to its online reputation.

When a business is challenged with declining perceptions and falling review scores, the revenues being driven to that business are also likely to diminish. With falling revenues comes fewer hours for line-staff employees which in turn means that income, tips and job stability can be significantly impacted.

In short, management goals regarding a business’ reputation should be turned into team goals because team members have an impact on those goal’s success and will be affected by their outcome.

Start Making Cultural Changes Today

If your team is not aware of how impactful each individual on your staff is in relation to elevating your online reputation, your review scores, your brand perception, your revenues, and their opportunities, a fatal mistake has been made and it may lead your brands with a bad reputation. Today should be the day that they are educated on their tremendous value and the opportunity they have to contribute to the overall success of your business’ team goals.

Brand Reputation Marketing Online Must Have

A company brand reputation must-have is a unified culture where every team member understands their role in achieving shared goals. It’s crucial that goals related to online reputation are communicated and embraced as team objectives, ensuring that each individual knows how their performance impacts the company’s success. By aligning management goals with team goals, businesses can maintain a consistent brand, avoid declining perceptions and revenues, and empower employees to contribute meaningfully to the company’s reputation and stability.

At The Reputation Lab, we work with hotels and restaurants to facilitate a reputation management strategy aimed at increasing online visibility, engaging your customers, and converting more shoppers to future guests and revenue producers. If you are interested in learning how a reputation management strategy can benefit your business, we invite you to email us via our secure contact form to set up a no-pressure consultation or call us at 855-979-6800.